A healthy daycare environment not only gives your dog the exercise and stimulation it needs during the week, but it also aids in growing social skills, can decrease separation anxiety, and give you peace of mind knowing your dog is getting the exercise & socialization it needs at doggy daycare.
Daycare Prices
Daily Rates
All Day Play $50
Add on:
Ice Cream Treat $4
Peanut Butter Kong $5
Pre-Paid Packages*
6 Pack of All Day Play Visits $270
Weekday Daycare Pass. $175
Daycare Drop Off Times:
Monday - Friday 7:00AM to 11:00AM
Saturday and Sunday 9:00AM to 11:00AM
Cancellation fee to be assessed after cut off time
If your dog kid is not picked up by closing they will be booked for a boarding stay at the current rate per night.
*6 Daycare Package: Expire 6 MONTHS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE
*Weekday Daycare Pass: Only usable Monday-Friday. Must be purchased on Monday for week being used. No cancellation fee with this package.
No "Daycare Only" Clients
on any of these Holidays